What is Internet Marketing?

In simple terms, strategic marketing and promotional activities performed via the Internet as a medium, fall under the ambit of Internet Marketing. With the ease and affordability attached, internet marketing is becoming increasingly popular amongst most companies and brands, and hence is becoming the most preferred mode of marketing now days. Although there are a number of companies and consultancies rendering Internet marketing services across the globe, however India being a resource-rich developing nation has been quite successful in drawing the attention of corporations and industries, as a preferred outsourcing partner. Similar to services related to IT or Manufacturing, internet marketing services in India are also spreading their wings across borders, due to the many advantages associated to it. While the traditional modes of marketing require steep investments, internet marketing services are comparatively inexpensive and much more effective. Another factor behind the escalating popularity of Internet marketing services in India is the accessibility. While not many companies can afford to market their products & services at every corner around the globe, Internet marketing on the other hand can typically help one reach the doorstep of every individual in just no time.  The number of web users tapped through internet marketing, is another considerable factor for making Internet marketing gain much popularity now days.

By making the best possible use of the social media channels, which include the most preferred search engine(s) like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc, and other social networking sites, the internet marketing companies help corporations and business entities to promote their products and services to their targeted audience more effectively.

To get internet marketing services from experts drop an email at sales@ecosmob.com and get free consultancy. For more details visit: http://www.ecosmob.com/services/digital-marketing

SEO Services and Its Facts

SEO is definitely one of the most crucial strategies for any online entity to get more exposures in the online market, be it a business or an individual. Its growing importance has almost necessitated its use for all kinds and sizes of online businesses.

What benefits can SEO services do to a website?
Even if a website is impressive in terms of its design and contents but if it is not accessible to more and more potential customers, it will hardly fetch any benefit to the owner. A well optimized website is most likely to get more exposure in SERPs. Getting more exposures, being shown higher in SERPS, directly translates to more traffic (visitors) to the website, and finally, getting more visitors directly translates into more sale of products and services listed on that website. Hence, quality optimization techniques can help a web page get more web benefits from the web market.

How long does it take for a website to rank well in SERPs?
Optimizing a page for search engines is a continuous process. It might take up to 3 months to 9 months to get you better rankings. However, things depend a lot on the quality and intensity of your optimization process, competition and so on. The more smart and consistent your optimization method is the more fruitful results you will have.

If you are looking for SEO Services drop an email at sales@ecosmob.com and request quote for one time or monthly SEO services. We also provide SMO, PPC &  content writing services at affordable rates.

What is the effect of passing two links to same URL?

As an SEO professional, we all know the importance of the anchor tags and the hyperlink optimization. What happens if you give hyperlink to the same URL in a webpage or an article?

According to one of the recent videos of the Matt Cutts, Webspam team head of the Google replied this question. If you pass the link to the same page/URL from two or more anchor text then the pagerank juice of the page will be divided in the number of links and will pass accordingly. Sometimes it is also possible that Google will pick only one URL and pass the juice to the page and rest will be ignored. In summary, it is not advisable to use the different or same anchor text pointing to the same URL.

Hope this helps.

If you are looking for the SEO services then we have the experienced SEO professionals. For more details contact us at sales@ecosmob.com

The Top 10 Tips of blogging SEO

Top 10 SEO Tips for Bloggers
If you are a blogger and you would like to make sure that your blog is SEO friendly then here are the top 10 things to be considered to make your blog SEO optimized.

1. Keep original content
2. Try different types of posts like text, photos, videos, etc.
3. Build organic backlinks
4. Keep SEO optimized themes
5.Fix your permalink structure
6. Install a sitemap
7. Build your social media profile
8. Use SEO plugins
9. Engage with your visitors
10. Keep on optimizing

By following these simple and easy to use SEO tips, you may get all the benefits of well optimized blog and SEO. If you are looking for SEO optimized content writing services then feel free to contact us at: sales@ecosmob.com

What is the most common SEO Mistake?

In the recent videos of Matt Cutts, he has revealed the most common mistake an SEO can does. What is that? Check this video.

Those who couldn't watch it due to certain reasons. The most common SEO mistake is not having a website. People won't be able to find you out on the web if you are not there. So get your site now and be visible to the people out there.

How To Check the Website Hurt By Which Google Algo?

There are many Google algorithms which play major role in rankings in Google. If you suddenly face a drop in your Google rankings then which algo can be responsible for one? How to figure out which algo hurt your website? If these are the questions you are wondering then here is the Matt Cutts giving an answer:

Hope this helps to figure out which algo is responsible to cause a drop in your rankings. It will help to take most effective steps for recovery and improvement.

Importance of Content in Page

In SEO, people usually gives more emphasis to title and other meta tags. They might overlook the importance of the content in the body section of the page. If you are one of them then you must take a look at this video of Matt in which he became invisible to make you understand the value of the Body tag and content in it.

Hope this video makes you understand the value if content and body tag!